Meet Kate Bartlett - Teen Fashion Blogger
Some might assume the life of a Fashion Blogger is all glitz and glam, but behind every curated Instagram page is a creative hard at work. Ever wonder what goes into every stylized shot you see online? Orlando Fashion Blogger and Influencer, Kate Bartlett of kate-bartlett.com, gives us the scoop on what it’s like building a blog and where she finds inspiration to create.
What made you decide to start blogging?
Where do you find inspiration for your blog post?
What are some of your current fashion obsessions?
What is the one thing you’ll let yourself splurge on?
Who is one person you would love to meet someday?
What is something that people don’t realize about fashion blogging?
What are your beauty essentials?
What is one thing you’ve never done, but would love to do?
What is the greatest life advice you’ve ever received?
Who would you say is your number one fashion inspiration?
What made you decide to start blogging?
Where do you find inspiration for your blog post?
What are some of your current fashion obsessions?
What is the one thing you’ll let yourself splurge on?
Who is one person you would love to meet someday?
What is something that people don’t realize about fashion blogging?
What are your beauty essentials?
What is one thing you’ve never done, but would love to do?
What is the greatest life advice you’ve ever received?
I think the greatest life advice I’ve ever received is that you can't wait for opportunities to fall in your lap, in life you have to go out and make your own opportunities! As cliche as it sounds, sometimes there is something better waiting for you to keep on working even when one door closes.
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